Among the latest innovations in the Blowtech line, Gavia stands out, a comfortable and elegant outsole, designed for classic men footwear.
Light and flexible, like all Blowtech outsoles, it guarantees an easy step, thanks to its “shock absorber” qualities.
Try it also in the deluxe version with rubber tread, for a bi-colour look and the maximum grip on the ground.
For info:
Material: Blowtech
Description: Blowtech outsole for classic footwear
Physical Properties:
- Density 0,44 ± 2 gr/cm³ (UNE-ISO 2781:2015)
- Hardness 39 ± 3 Shore A (UNE-EN ISO 868:2003)
- Abrasion ≤170 mm³ (UNE-EN 12770:2000)
- Shrinkage 9% after 24H at 70° C (internal method)